FancyPlanet 翻范

FancyPlanet 翻范


FancyPlanet 翻范
Art Director
Terrence Zhang
Poppy Lee, Weiran Han, Xingshi Pei, Terrence Zhang, Ying Bula(3D), Wang Yufan(3D)

FancyPlanet 翻范 的创始人相信轻医美行业需要通过创新的运营模式来满足年轻消费者的需求。专业医疗美容服务在当下已经被市场广泛接受,得益于社交媒体的快速传播,越来越多年轻消费者对轻医美项目有了很深的认知 – 无论是服务流程或是产品价格。这促使轻医美机构寻求更直接、更友好地方式与年轻消费者建立沟通 ,摆脱传统医美行业陈旧、不透明、有距离感的形象。

The founder of FancyPlanet believes that the medical beauty industry needs to adopt innovative service models to cater to the needs of young consumers. With the rapid spread of social media, professional medical beauty services have gained widespread acceptance in the market. Young consumers have developed a deeper understanding of light medical beauty services, including the service process and product pricing. As a result, light medical beauty institutions are seeking more direct and friendly ways to communicate with young consumers, moving away from the old, opaque, and distant image of traditional medical beauty industry.

FancyPlanet 翻范 是我们对轻医美品牌形象一次创新的探索,我们通过对品牌全新模式的梳理,得到“你的Fancy朋友”的核心概念,在此概念之上以“轻松”、“透明”、“亲切易得”、“个性多远”为核心关键词,打造了一套特别的品牌视觉形象。

FancyPlanet represents our innovative branding exploration in the light medical beauty industry. Through a comprehensive analysis of the brand's innovative service model, we have developed the core concept of "Your Fancy Friend." Building on this idea, we have created a distinctive brand visual identity centered on "Relaxation," "Transparency," "Friendliness and Accessibility," and "Personalization" as the core keywords.

Seethe Design 是2018年成立于上海的品牌设计与创新工作室。我们相信品牌设计不仅需要设计师对创意的热情,还需要有看见问题的能力和解决问题的执行力。我们致力于与委托方构建联动的创造力,找寻形式与内容的平衡点,为每个品牌提供最适合的解决方案。


Seethe Design is a brand design and innovation studio founded in 2018. We believe that brand design requires not only a designer’s passion for creativity, but also the ability to see problems and the ability to solve problems.

We are committed to building a creative synergy with the client, finding a balance between form and content, and providing the most suitable solution for each brand. Starting from strategies and concepts, we explore unique visual languages, behavioral intonations, and application effects of different media, and focus on the integrated experience of brands and the multiple expressions of core values.

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Tree Creative Town, Minhang, Shanghai.